‘’Take care of your body…It is the only place you have to live’’ Sports and Family…


Participation in sports can enhance positive strengths in the family. family is a social institution and the sport programmers’ which aim to foster social change, and it starts from childhood has got a big importance for the adults who will have responsibility in the society to gain good habits and establish healthy relations both between individuals and societies the sport in America research found that, overall sport is delivering on what most parents expect their child will learn, particularly the values deemed most important by the majority of parents-having fin and doing your best. Indeed, nearly all parents who hoped that sport would teach their children to have fun also say this expectation has been exceed-er or met. There are various tips for creating balance between sports and family life.
*Hold a family meeting.
*Set limits that fit your family.
*Find a balance between cooperation and competition between mothers and fathers between men and women.
*Find a balance sports programmers
*Find a balance between kids.
*Find a balance between awake and sleep time.
*Find a balance between Family and individual time.
*Find a balance between active and quiet time.
*Set aside some one-on-one time for you and your spouse
Edited by Nayani


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