
Exercise makes our bodies feel amazing, but how do you properly take care of your body before and after? Run no further, look below for some tips on how to nourish your beautiful athletic figure.

*Make sure to eat before, during and after your sport this helps maintain blood glucose levels, which in turn will help enhance your sports performance.

*Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate drink water2-3 hours before your sports, during breaks, and especially after wards to replenish your body.

*Eat fat. Sounds crazy but facts are a source of full for your body. Healthy facts are strongly advised. Such as peanut butter or avocado.

*Before exercising eat a meal with complex carbohydrates (ex. Pasta with meat sauce) after your exercise make sure to replenish some of the calories lost.

*We’ve all had the nervous feeling in our stomach before a big competition, but it is important to eat at least a snack such as a bunch of grapes toast or bagel.

*As tempting as it is avoid sugary fatty food before exercise, your body will thank you later.

*Stock up on vitamins and minerals Iron (to girls) and calcium (for every one) are two essentials that are often neglected.


Nayani Buddhika

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